Industrial Trade Waste Customers

What is an industrial trade waste customer?

Industrial trade waste customers are businesses that discharge medium to high risk liquid waste to sewer that is high in volume and/or concentration.  Industrial customers are those categorised as either Category 3 or 4 trade waste customers. 
If you are unsure if your business or proposed activity is industrial or commercial, please contact us to be referred to a trade waste representative.
Category 3 Trade Waste Customer means a customer discharging trade waste which through volume, composition or quality, individually or combined, poses a medium risk to the operation of TasWater’s sewerage infrastructure.
Category 4 Trade Waste Customer means a customer discharging trade waste which through volume, composition or quality, individually or combined, poses a high risk to the operation of TasWater’s sewerage infrastructure.


How do I contact TasWater about a Trade Waste Agreement?

Please email [email protected] to enquire about a trade waste service for your industrial activity or discuss your current Trade Waste Agreement.  A trade waste representative will contact you within five business days.
TasWater negotiates individual contracts with each industrial customer.  Negotiations of these contracts must be completed prior to the trade waste service being utilised.
Where a new contract is negotiated with existing industrial trade waste customers, consideration will be given to the existing consent or contractual arrangements.

Considerations when planning your industrial trade waste activity

Before considering a new industrial development, or expansion of your current industrial operation, it is imperative that you discuss your plans with TasWater prior to committing or making investments.  Engaging with TasWater early in the planning process will inform your business decisions to minimise your trade waste costs into the future, as the location of your business has a significant effect on:

  • the ability of TasWater to accept your trade waste discharge to sewer
  • the cost of setting up your operation
  • ongoing trade waste management costs


 Food and beverage manufacturers
 Meat processing plants
 Seafood processors
 Metal finishing
 Chemical plants
 Pharmaceutical manufacturers
 Large swimming pools
 Landfill Leachate

TasWater FY2023-24 Categories 3 and 4 Pricing

 Parameter  Category 3  Category 4
 Application Fee $2,226.16 $3,480.24
 Annual Management Fee $1,497.84  $2,346.60
 Volumetric charge (kL) $1.47   
 Bio. Oxygen Demand (BOD) $1.00   
 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) $1.28   
 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) $2.40   
 Total Phosphorous $1.99   
 Sodium (Na) $0.41   
 Oil & Grease, Total (TOG) $1.76   

*Each financial year these charges will increase based on percentage change to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Hobart from March to March, as published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics -

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