TasWater Assist

Water bill worries?

We understand that water and sewerage bill concerns can sometimes feel overwhelming. Living costs are high and many people are struggling to make ends meet — some for the very first time. Our small, friendly team is here to help when you need us.

Reach out today. Use the form below, or give our team a call on 13 6992  

Reach out to our team

Contact us using this form so we can discuss how we can help you keep on top of your TasWater bill.

Your Details
How can we help?
Tell us what you need from us. This may include information such as whether you need support in the short or long term, or what your ability is to pay your account. Please include any information you consider relevant to your circumstances so we can best support you.
How did you hear about TasWater Assist?
By submitting this online form you acknowledge and understand the way TasWater collects, uses and discloses your personal information as set out in our privacy collection statement.
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More Information

Concessions and Rebates

Eligible TasWater customers are entitled to receive the Tasmanian Government funded water and sewerage concession. Apply online now.

Outstanding debts

Find support and solutions for managing outstanding debts on your TasWater account. Learn about flexible payment options and assistance programs tailored to your needs.

Understanding my bill

Customers will receive a quarterly statement every three months. Our guide is designed to help you understand your bill, your water usage, and the assistance we offer.

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Our Knowledge Hub contains hundreds of articles containing all sorts of information.

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Concessions and Rebates

Eligible TasWater customers are entitled to receive the Tasmanian Government funded water and sewerage concession. Apply online now.

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Water Saving Tips

Discover water-saving tips for home and work, indoors and outdoors. From simple changes to advanced strategies, find ways to conserve water and protect Tasmania’s future.

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Price and Service Plan

Our commitment to improving the delivery of clean and safe drinking water while ensuring better environmental outcomes and customer service.

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Water and sewerage charges

Find detailed information on TasWater’s water and sewerage charges, including pricing, service details, and how charges are applied to customers across Tasmania.

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