Application for Development Services

TasWater is responsible for approving any relevant water and sewerage infrastructure related aspects of planning, building and plumbing applications in Tasmania, and we are here to support you through your development journey each step of the way.

We provide a number of services to customers including assistance with planning, building, plumbing, water and sewerage related works and trade waste.  You can also request preliminary advice on water and sewerage requirements, development fees and related charges that are applicable to your development project by using our online enquiry form, or you can submit a Property Enquiry through PlanBuild Tasmania for specific information about the property.

As we work to improve our Application for Development Services process, your experience may differ depending on which local council your proposed development is situated in.

Application for Development Services

TasWater has recently partnered with PlanBuild Tasmania for our Hobart City Council customers in an effort to streamline the application process, with more councils joining this platform in the future for certain application types. We took this as an opportunity to change the feel of the application process for our other customers too. 

We had added the option of submitting a property enquiry through PlanBuild Tasmania to allow you to obtain information about planning zones, infrastructure locations, and codes applicable to a selected property more efficiently. If you need to contact us regarding general, or preliminary advice on a specific proposed development at your property, you can still do this through our online enquiry form.

If you are a non-residential customer and need to submit a Trade Waste application in conjunction with your Application for Development Services, you can refer to our Trade Waste page for more information, and a copy of the form. We recommend submitting your Trade Waste application form prior to submitting your Application for Development services, as the outcome may affect your proposed development.

If you have any feedback about any of these changes, please do not hesitate to reach out using our online enquiry form, as we would love to hear what you think.

Start your Application for Development Services below:

Local Council Area
Select the council where your proposed development will take place.
Application type

Select your application type

Application Type - Hobart City Council
Select your application type
CCW Confirmation
Was your CCW application submitted prior to 12th August 2024?
Was your CCW application submitted prior to 12th August 2024?
Next - Property Enquiry via PlanBuild

Did you know you can now perform a property enquiry through PlanBuild Tasmania?

The PlanBuild Tasmania enquiry service offers easy access to information about planning zones, infrastructure locations, and codes applicable to a selected property. This is a free service available for anyone to use and is recommended as the first step when thinking of developing a property.

After you have done your property enquiry through PlanBuild Tasmania, you can return to this application to submit a request for your proposed development project.

Click here to Get Started with Plan Build

Next - Application Services via PlanBuild

Your local council area has partnered with PlanBuild Tasmania to create a streamlined application process for your development project. This will allow you to monitor your application through your development journey. More information will be provided on the next page.

Click here to Get Started with Plan Build

Documents Required Checklist

All documents shown below are mandatory for the application type you have selected. If you do not attach these documents, this may delay the processing of your application.

Documents 1

Design plans and documents detailing the proposed development works, including existing and proposed TasWater assets and all connection points

Click 'add new' to attach multiple documents
Documents 2

Copy of Certificate of Title (CT) - including folio plan, text and schedule of easements

Click 'add new' to attach multiple documents
Documents 3

Planning permit (where omitted evidence may be requested)

Click 'add new' to attach multiple documents
Documents 4
Connections & Disconnections
Site Contact Full Name
Site Contact Phone Number
Site Contact Email Address
You can choose to nominate your own contractor from our approved panel members.

Click here for a full list of approved TasWater Panel Members.

Please attach your most up to date TasWater Endorsed Plans 

TasWater Endorsed Plans

Please nominate the purpose of your application (select all that apply):

Water Connection Details
Sewer Connection Details
Water Disconnection Details
Sewer Disconnection Details
Documents 5

Folio Text

The Folio Text includes the Volume and Folio number unique to the title, the edition, the date that edition of the title was issued, a description of the land, the current registered owner

Site Plan

The site plan will detail the proposed meter location on the current connection
Loose Supply Items

Please specify the 'Other' loose supply items you need, that were not available in the list.

Next - Property Details
Property Details
If you have previously submitted an application for this project - please add your TasWater reference number - e.g. TWDA2023/000000-HCC or TWBA2023/000000-HCC or TWPA2023/000000-HCC
Council Planning Number is your council application number, they can be made up of numbers and letters for example PDPLANPMTD-2020/016697, DA0194/2019. These number will be on documents received from your relevant council.
Volume number (example 142835) - a Volume number and a Folio number (e.g. Volume 11195, Folio 1) - This information can be found via Tasmanian’s land information system Tasmania - the LIST
Property ID (PID) number (example 7845196) This information can be found via Tasmanian’s land information system Tasmania - the LIST
Full property address
What development is occurring? Examples: New Dwelling, Multiple Dwellings x2, Subdivision x 4 lots, Partial Demolition, New Garage
Provide any additional information relevant to your development
Applicant Details
Relationship to Property
Add any additional information we might need to know about your interest in the property for this proposed development
Applicant Contact Details
Business Name
Council reference Number is your council application number, they can be made up of numbers and letters for example PDPLANPMTD-2020/016697, DA0194/2019. These number will be on documents received from your relevant council.
Applicant Full Name
Phone Number
Postal Address
Owner Contact Details
Business Name
Council reference Number is your council application number, they can be made up of numbers and letters for example PDPLANPMTD-2020/016697, DA0194/2019. These number will be on documents received from your relevant council.
Owner Full Name
Phone Number
Postal Address

You can choose to supply us with additional Third Party Details of other people involved in this proposed development (e.g Developer, Contractor, Plumber etc). Please ensure you include the details of any Third Party where they will be responsible for the charges applicable for this application.

Third Party Contact Details
Business Name
Council reference Number is your council application number, they can be made up of numbers and letters for example PDPLANPMTD-2020/016697, DA0194/2019. These number will be on documents received from your relevant council.
Third Party Full Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Postal Address
Next - Invoicing & Authorisation
Invoicing & Authorisation

To guarantee that the correct responsible party is invoiced ensure that this section is completed fully.

If a responsible party is not nominated, the applicant will be invoiced. If the property owner or third party is to be invoiced, and they are not the applicant, they must consent to the charges, or the charges will be the responsibility of the applicant.

If you are completing this form as the Owner of the Property - and you are responsible for the charges associated with this application - please select 'The Applicant' from the below options.

Invoicing details* - required
Applicant Full Name

By submitting this online form you acknowledge and understand the way TasWater collects, uses and discloses your personal information as set out in our privacy collection statement.

Authorisation Documentation

If you, the applicant, are not liable for payment of any fees and charges associated with this application please demonstrate that another party (i.e. the landowner and/or a third party) has agreed to this application being made and incurring any applicable fees and charges. Please attach/upload written evidence from the other party. Typically, this could be in the form of an engagement letter or the Development Services Authorised Representative form signed by the other party authorising you to act for them and to incur any fees and charges on their behalf.

Review & Submit

You can now review your application before submitting, By clicking the 'Review application' button, this will take you to the start of the application where you can click through to ensure you have entered all the correct information. If you are happy with your application, you can click submit.

Mandatory field(s) marked with *

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