Longford Sewerage Treatment Plant Upgrade

What's this project all about?

The Longford Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) Upgrade will result in better environmental outcomes by improving the quality of effluent discharged from the plant. This will reduce odour and improve compliance. 

Wastewater at Longford is a mixture of domestic and trade waste. The new plant will use a technology called Nereda®, which processes sewage and other wastewater products more efficiently compared with more conventional treatment methods. Nereda® technology also has the added benefit of reducing the overall carbon footprint of the plant by reducing power usage, which supports lower operating costs compared to traditional treatment plants. The new state-of-the-art STP will also feature odour capture and treatment technology, which was not possible as part of the existing plant. 

Testing and commissioning of the new plant has commenced with domestic flows from the Longford township transferred early in November 2021. Trade waste flows are currently being split between the new and old plant, with full treatment through the new plant expected at the end of April 2022. 

The final step to complete the upgrade is to repurpose one of the existing lagoons to allow for daily flow balancing of treated effluent. This will require the lagoon to be emptied and refurbished and is expected to be complete by the end of the year. 

The new STP has been constructed next to the existing plant and all major structural works have now been completed. 

Arial footage of this Tasmanian first can be viewed below:


Project timeline

Testing and commissioning of the new plant has commenced with domestic flows from the Longford township transferred early in November 2021.

The lagoon refurbishment is expected to be complete by the end of 2022, which will finalise the project.

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