Latrobe Latrobe Sewerage Network Upgrade and Augmentation

What's this project all about?

The Latrobe sewer network lacked the capacity to manage wet weather flows, as indicated by a number of unplanned overflows occurring from manholes to private property, including within the grounds of the Latrobe Primary School.

Latrobe also has one of the highest growth rates in north-west Tasmania, with significant residential development in the south and south-east of the town, which will further increase the load on the Latrobe sewer infrastructure.

Through planning and investigation, the following key pressure points and upgrade stages were identified:

Stage 1 – Thomas Street and Hamilton Street

Stage 2 – James Street and Reibey Street

This project aims to remove overflows from key problem areas, limits and defers capital expenditure. The upgrades would address overflow issues in the current locations:

  • 23 Lewis Street (Primary School) (Stage 1)
  • 151 Percival Street (Stage 1)
  • 29 Reibey Street (Stage 1 and Stage 2)

Project timeline (Completed)

Stage 1
Thomas Street and Hamilton Street

Stage 2
James Street and Reibey Street

Project completed June 2021.

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