Change of Ownership

1. Reason for Change
Reason for change
2. Settlement Date
Change of ownership can only be processed after settlement has been effected.
Property details
4. Your details
5. New owner details (purchaser)

Up to four purchasers can be entered below.  Please enter full (first, middle, and last) names or organisation name into a single field.  If there are more than four purchasers in this sale, please email us at [email protected]

6. Previous owner details (vendor)
Up to four vendors can be entered below.  Please enter full (first, middle, and last) names or organisation name into a single field.  If there are more than four vendors in this sale, please email us at [email protected]
New owner mailing address
Previous owner mailing address
7. Privacy statement
8. Declaration
I declare that I have read TasWater’s privacy statement and agree to its terms
I declare that the information I have given on this form is correct
I declare that settlement has been effected
Mandatory field(s) marked with *

TasWater must be informed when a property is sold, so the vendor and purchaser receive the correct charges. 

TasWater will update ownership records within 10 business days of receipt date of the notification of sale.  Notification of sale will only be accepted from the vendor’s representative (solicitor or conveyancer) confirming settlement has occurred.  Transfer information can be submitted using the form below.

If notification is not provided by the vendor’s representative, we will update ownership records after the title has changed with the Land Titles Office using information provided by the Office of the Valuer General.

A final meter read is required to finalise accounts.  To limit costs to our customers, TasWater's preferred option is to use an estimated read. 

However, there may be circumstances where an actual meter read is necessary.  In these cases, a Special Read Fee will be charged to the vendor’s account.
Once change of ownership is complete, the vendor will receive a final statement for their portion of service or fixed charges and water usage up to the settlement date. 

The purchaser will receive a new statement for their portion of charges from the settlement date and will also incur an Account Establishment Fee

There is no requirement or obligation for property owners and managers, lawyers and/or conveyancers to apportion water and sewerage statements at the time of sale.

If the purchaser holds an eligible concession card they may be entitled to a discount on their fixed charges.  Water usage charges are not subject to a concession.  View the current concession rates and apply for concession here.

To appoint an Authorised Representative please click here (PDF 105.3KB).

For Property Management Authority please click here (PDF 190.9KB).

Moving house? What I need to know

Learn everything you need to know about managing your TasWater account when moving house, including transferring services, final readings, and updating your details.

Property Title Information

Understand how property title information impacts your water and sewerage account and what is needed for smooth transitions during property ownership changes.

Water and sewerage charges

Find detailed information on TasWater’s water and sewerage charges, including pricing, service details, and how charges are applied to customers across Tasmania.

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