When customers choose to amalgamate multiple property titles under one Property Identifier Descriptor (PID), this does not change the way the property will be charged for sewerage and water services.
Under an amalgamation, the number of titles does not change regardless of the fact that they fall under one PID. Therefore the number of titles will still be used in determining the number of water and sewerage charges and/or connections.
When an owner wishes to consolidate or adhere multiple titles into one title on one PID, councils are not required to refer adhesion applications to TasWater.
It is the owner's responsibility to advise TasWater of the consolidation/adhesion and to discuss the implications on TasWater infrastructure and the connections to the properties involved.
If multiple properties are consolidated/adhered, multiple accounts for water and sewer charges may still be sent, unless the owner informs TasWater of the changes.
The rationalisation of connections may be required before TasWater can change the billing of the affected properties.