Use the interactive map to see if there are any restrictions in place in your area and see what practises are in place for those restrictions below.
Allocated** days only
**Odd numbered properties may water on odd dates. Even and no-numbered properties may water on even dates. All properties may water on the 31st of any month or the 29th of February.
You can use manual watering systems between 6am - 8am and 8pm - 10pm.
You can activate automatic watering systems between midnight - 4am.
Anytime on allocated day
Allocated days only
Handheld hoses fitted with a trigger nozzle, buckets or watering cans be used anytime on allocated days
Spot cleaning for safety, health, animal welfare or emergency reasons with a hose fitted with a trigger nozzle or with high pressure cleaning equipment is permitted
Using water for dust or pollutant suppression, or earth compaction by means of a hose fitted with a flow cut-off device or a vehicle fitted with sprinklers is permitted
Hosing for general cleaning of hard surfaces such as paths, driveways and paved areas is not permitted at any time
A bucket or high pressure cleaning device can be used on allocated days;
A commercial car wash can be used at any time;
A handheld hose is not permitted at any time;
Up to 2,000 litres: may only be refilled, or filled for the first time, using a handheld hose with a trigger nozzle, a bucket or automatic water top up device.
More than 2,000 litres: may only be refilled, or filled for the first time when the property owner has an approved Exemption from TasWater.
May only be topped up using methods described in Stage 1, for a maximum of 15 minutes per day only to replace water lost through evaporation, not removed for other purposes.
We are constantly monitoring the network, but our eyes can never be everywhere at once, so we always appreciate it when our customers take the time to report leaks to us.
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Our commitment to improving the delivery of clean and safe drinking water while ensuring better environmental outcomes and customer service.
Find out what serviced land means, how it relates to water and sewerage services, and why it’s important for property owners and developers in Tasmania.
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