
This Privacy Policy applies to all personal information collected and managed by Tasmanian Water and Sewerage Corporation Pty Ltd (TasWater) (“we”, “our”, “us”).

We are bound by the Personal Information Protection Act 2004 (Tas) (‘PIP Act’) and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (‘Privacy Act’) including the Australian Privacy Principles and the Personal Information Protection Principles (“Principles’). The Principles regulate the way personal information is collected, used and disclosed.

This Privacy Policy explains how we collect and manage personal information, the types of personal information we hold, how it is collected, used and disclosed, and also explains your rights to access and correct information or make a complaint.

To find out how we manage your personal information when dealing with credit providers please see our Credit Related Information Policy on our website.

Privacy Policy

Credit Related Information Policy



TasWater recognises that the privacy of all people it deals with is important and we are committed to protecting any personal information and sensitive information we collect, store, use and/or disclose.

Personal information has the meaning given in the Privacy Act and includes information or an opinion that identifies an individual, or from which an individual can be reasonably identifiable.  

Sensitive information has the meaning given in the Privacy Act and includes personal information that includes information or an opinion about an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions or associations, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership or associations, sexual orientation or practices, criminal record, health or genetic information and some biometric information.

Collection of Personal Information

Why do we collect your personal information?

We collect personal information for purposes related to our functions and activities, or otherwise as required or authorised under Australian law.

Examples of our functions and activities include:

  • the sale and supply of water and sewerage services
  • billing, payment, accounts and related services
  • managing, administering and improving the products and services we provide
  • managing complaints and inquiries
  • developing new products and services
  • conducting competitions or promotions, and undertaking research and marketing activities, and
  • the recruitment of employees and engagement of contractors.

What types of personal information do we collect?

The types of personal information we collect may include:

  • name, residential and postal address, email address, telephone numbers and date of birth
  • Australian Government related identifiers and identify documents which may include birth, death, marriage, divorce and change of name certificates and drivers’ licenses
  • property ownership and occupancy details
  • financial details such as bank accounts, credit card details and credit information
  • your behaviours and preferences, including your use of our products, services, website, digital products and digital applications
  • your Internet Protocol (‘IP’) address, device identifiers and information about how you use our website and digital applications such as session information, session frequency and login attempts
  • health information to identify whether you are a special need customer
  • government customer reference numbers to confirm whether you are entitled to a concession
  • prospective employee and contractor information including contact details, date of birth, qualifications, employment experience, screening and/or health checks, employment and character references, directorship requirements, eligibility to work, vocational suitability and criminal record checks.

If we collect information which is sensitive information such as health information for pre-employment checks or to identify special need customers, we will seek your written consent first before collecting and we will only use and disclose that information for the purposes which you consented to.

Where a prospective employee is successful the information provided during the recruitment process, together with any other personal information which directly relates to their employment relationship with us will form part of their employee record. Employee records are exempt information under the Privacy Act and Personal Information Protection Act and is handled in accordance with internal policies and procedures that include confidentiality requirements.

How do we collect personal information?

We will collect personal information directly from you, in person, by telephone, by mail and by email. Generally, we will collect personal information when we are:

  • setting up accounts
  • undertaking market research
  • conducting competitions or promotions
  • liaising with Customers or members of the public or contractors about water or sewerage related matters
  • conducting recruitment of employees and engaging contractors.

We also collect personal information through our website, digital products, digital applications and social networks. This will occur if you fill out an electronic (online) form with us or interact with our social networks or our website.

Sometimes we may need to collect personal information from other sources, including your authorised representative (nominated by you), regulatory authorities, your employer, other organisations or government agencies, credit reporting agencies, recruitment agencies, or service providers. For example, we may collect your information from social services agencies such as Anglicare, credit reporting bodies, recruiters, recruitment platform providers and through publicly available sources such as websites and directories.

How we use your personal information

We generally use personal information to provide water and sewerage services. We may also use personal information for our general business operations or as required by law.

This may include:

  • connections and disconnections for the supply of water and sewerage services
  • to provide you with access to products and services we offer
  • to communicate with you or your authorised representative about your account, this includes issuing and payment of bills, service messages, complaints and updating records
  • to administer, maintain and improve our products and services
  • for competitions and promotions, research and marketing
  • for recruitment and employment applications
  • for management, training and development of employees and contractors
  • in the event of an emergency including where we need to access your property for urgent repairs or maintenance.

How we disclose your personal information

As part of providing our services and operating our business we disclose personal information to the following agents, contractors and service providers who perform business functions or activities such as:

  • bill printers
  • customer service software providers
  • data analytics providers
  • service providers or contractors (for the provision of water and sewer services and connections)
  • debt collection agencies (for collection of unpaid debts)
  • recruitment agencies and recruitment platform providers (for recruitment, talent pooling and employment related purposes)
  • our Board and shareholders
  • Government agencies such as Centrelink (for establishing or verifying eligibility for concessions).

We will not share or disclose your sensitive information unless you have provided your written consent, or we are legally required to.

Accessing and Updating Personal Information

You have the right to access your personal information held by us.

If you want to access details regarding the personal information we hold about you or request that it be corrected you can make a request in writing to the Privacy Officer and provide details of what information you are requesting, or you believe is incomplete, incorrect, out of date or misleading and specify the amendments you are seeking.  We will assess your request and respond within 20 working days.

In certain circumstances, we can refuse to provide you with access to your personal information or to correct the personal information held about you. If this is the case, then we will:

  • take steps to provide access/correct the information in a way that meets our needs as well as yours
  • provide written reasons for such refusal, and
  • provide you with the mechanisms available to complain about the refusal.

Security and Storage of Personal Information

We take reasonable steps to protect the personal information we hold against loss, unauthorised access, use, modification, or disclosure, and against other misuse.

We may use cloud computing solutions or data storage located overseas in which case information may be stored, under our control, on computer servers located outside of Australia. Where this is the case, we ensure that the measures applied to protect our privacy are at least equal to those which apply to information storage in Australia.

If we no longer need your personal information, we may take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify the information (unless we are required by law to retain it).

Questions and complaints

Complaints about the treatment of personal information including any possible breach of the Privacy Act, PIP Act or this Privacy Policy) by us should be made in writing (letter or email) and address to the Privacy Officer.

Privacy Officer


GPO Box 1393


[email protected]

If you are not satisfied with our response, you make a further complaint to the Office of the Information Commissioner (‘OAIC’) or the Tasmanian Ombudsman.

Ombudsman Tasmania

Level 6, 86 Collins Street


1800 001 170

[email protected]

Office of the Australian Information Commission

GPO Box 5218


1300 363 992

[email protected]


Chief Executive Officer

The CEO is responsible for implementing the Policy and appointing one or more Privacy Officers.

Privacy Officer

The Privacy Officers will:

  • receive, investigate, and respond to any complaints about, or alleged breaches of privacy
  • notify you (and, if appropriate OAIC) of any material breaches of your privacy, and
  • ensure TasWater complies with any relevant reporting requirements.

Our People

Our people are expected to comply with this Policy, including raising concerns relating to privacy or any complaints with their People Leader or Privacy Officers.

Associated Documents

  • Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (including the Australian Privacy Principles)
  • Personal Information Protection Act 2004 (Tas)
  • Listening Devices Act 1991 (Tas)
  • Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cth)
  • Credit Related Information Policy
  • Knowledge, Information and Data Management Standard


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