Gravelly Beach Service Introduction

Community support for the introduction of sewerage services

TasWater currently provides a water service to approximately 300 properties in Gravelly Beach. A petition to explore the introduction of a sewer service has been presented to TasWater by the community.

Gravelly Beach property owners have been sent a non-compulsory survey for their feedback. The survey will help to measure current community sentiment and level of support for potential introduction of a sewer service to Gravelly Beach. Consideration of service introduction will only proceed to the next stage if at least 50 per cent of the community support the proposal.

Gravelly Beach

Service Introduction Charges Policy

The Service Introduction Charges Policy outlines the circumstances and the terms and conditions that must be met for us to introduce water and/or sewerage services (service introduction) to an area not previously receiving those services and the charges that will apply.

Stage 1 - Initial consultation

We will consult with each relevant community on any service introduction proposal. As part of this consultation, we will define the proposed service introduction area/s. Using the proposed service introduction area/s we will provide property owners and the community the following information:

  • High-level, preliminary design work, and
  • Estimated service introduction charges per title for the service (s).

In order to proceed to stage 2, the service introduction proposal must be commercially viable. If considered viable we will proceed to stage 2 – indicative community support.

Stage 2 - Indicative community support - Our current stage

During stage 2, we will consult with the community and provide information on the indicative costs for the service introduction. We will survey the community to understand their support of the service introduction. Consideration of service introduction will only proceed to Stage 3 if at least 50 per cent of each relevant community supports the proposal.

Stage 3 - Community commitment to service introduction

A detailed design and business case will be developed for service introduction as part of this stage. These will provide a more accurate estimate of the project costs and the service introduction charges.

For the proposal to progress to the procurement and construction stage, at least 80 per cent of the owners of developed land within the proposed service introduction area must enter into an agreement committing to connect to the new system and to pay the service introduction charges.

Following the conclusion of Stage 3, we will advise the community of the results of the consultation and the next steps for the project.

If a sewerage service was introduced to Gravelly Beach in the future, what are the potential costs to property owners?

While we cannot provide an exact figure, we can confirm that there would be costs involved for property owners.

If Gravelly Beach property owners did become customers for sewerage, they would be required to pay:

  • Service introduction charges
  • Connection charges
  • Private plumbing charges
  • Ongoing quarterly service charges.

The service introduction charge is calculated on the total cost of the infrastructure built, divided amongst the properties within the new serviced land. An early estimate is that this cost could be between $30,000 - $80,000 per property.

The connection charge is for the connection between the new infrastructure and each property boundary. This could also vary based on any available external funding.

Additional charges and approvals are usually required for changes to private plumbing within each property boundary. Any associated costs are the responsibility of each property owner.

Ongoing quarterly service charges are determined by our current Price and Service Plan. As an example, in 2023-24 a residence connected to our sewerage infrastructure pays $729.71.

We fully appreciate that a lack of clarity on future costs creates uncertainty for property owners considering investment in their own onsite water or sewerage system, but we must stress that no decision has been made to build any infrastructure at this time.

What is serviced land?

Serviced land is land where we allow a standard connection to water and/or sewerage infrastructure and is based on individual property titles.

More information about serviced land can be found here.

Why can't TasWater pay for the infrastructure?

TasWater was formed in 2013 to manage Tasmania’s existing water and sewerage infrastructure. We are owned by Tasmania’s 29 Local Councils, and the Tasmanian Government.

Many of our existing assets are either undersized, need upgrading or replacing. That’s why we are investing $1.5 billion on capital works across the state over the next five years.

With our capital investment committed to maintaining and upgrading the infrastructure we already have, we cannot reasonably ask existing customers to also pay for the introduction of new water and sewerage services.

In order for service introductions to occur, we must recover our costs from the customers to which the new service would be available, from the provision of external funding contributions (if available), or a combination of the two.

Next steps

We are currently analysing the survey data and will provide an update to council shortly, followed by an update to the community.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us on the details below.

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If you would like to connect with one of our Capital Engagement team members about a project happening near you, please email [email protected] or call 13 6992.

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