Partner with us to deliver infrastructure for Tasmania

Partner with us to deliver infrastructure for Tasmania
If you are interested in contributing to the successful delivery of a broad range of water industry related projects, TasWater CDO ask interested consultants, contractors and suppliers to register your interest with us thought the details listed in the ‘Next Steps’ section below. 
Please note: The fact that your company may have already been part of a previous TasWater panel, does not pre-qualify you for consideration as part of our current TasWater CDO tender process. You need to register separately with the TasWater CDO.

Next steps
Please send an email with your contact details and a brief summary of what your company does to [email protected] and a member of the CDO Procurement Team will contact you to understand more about your company and discuss the type of works or services the CDO are likely to require so you can assess if they are a good fit for your business model.
If your business provides services or goods which are suitable for the type of projects being undertaken by the CDO, the Procurement Team will add your company to the list of perspective contractors and you will be issued a tender for a Panel Contract and Prequalification Form to complete and return.
Please note: We don’t want to waste your time; you will only need to complete the Prequalification form if it is established that the services you offer are suitable for work on the CDO. Please register your interest in partnering with us by emailing [email protected] and the Procurement Team will give you a call.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of our Procurement Process
Please email us at: [email protected] and a member of the team will contact you, or, if the matter is more urgent, please call our Procurement Team.
Your contact is Krista Capuano,  Procurement & Contracts Manager, TasWater Capital Delivery Office, who can be reached on M 0410 820 867. We are here to support you.  


Understanding how the TasWater CDO Tendering Process works
The tender process is largely the same for Minor Works or Projects. It is a matter of whether the work is issued under a work package instruction to a Panel Contract for Minor Works or as a new standalone contract for Projects.
See the diagram below to understand what sort of contact applies to your business. Then step through the procurement process



Our Process
1. The number of tenderers selected for a particular tender package is dependent on the nature of the works. For most packages we will go out to between three and six tenderers, occasionally more, but it will generally be a minimum of three for any tendered package.

2. Prior to the tender being issued to market, a CDO Tender Evaluation Panel is selected. The panel must consist of a minimum of three CDO personnel and all members must confirm they do not have any real or perceived Conflict of Interest with any of the selected tenderers. The evaluation criteria for the tender are also agreed and documented;

3. Depending on the nature of the works being tendered, the Procurement Officer may contact each of the selected tenderers to confirm their interest and availability and other pertinent facts before the selection is finalised. When issuing Requests for Tender (RFTs), TasWater CDO will assess the location, type, complexity and scale of the project being offered for tender and reference this against the information submitted by contractors within the pre-qualification documentation;

4. The tender documents are issued through a specialised software management system, Aconex, to the selected pool of tenderers with a specified tender close date and time. If you have expressed interest in Tendering, then you will be given access to Aconex. We respect your Company’s confidentiality; only the CDO Tender Evaluation Panel, the CDO Procurement Officer and the CDO Contracts & Procurement Manager are able to view the tender on a ‘needs only’ basis.

5. During the tender process all correspondence must be submitted by tenderers through the Aconex system. Only the Tender Evaluation Panel, the Procurement Officer and the Contracts & Procurement Manager have access to view and respond to any correspondence sent through the Aconex portal. If a question is received from any participating company,  responses to clarifications are provided to all tenderers at the same time to ensure no party gains advantage in the tendering process; 6.The Aconex system locks all tender submissions until the date and time of the tender close has passed, at which point the Tender Evaluation Panel can access the submissions for review and evaluation in accordance with the evaluation criteria documented prior to the tender issue;

7. The Tender Evaluation Panel may request additional clarification on their submission from some or all tenderers and may choose to conduct interviews with some or all of the tenderers;

8. Following completion of the tender evaluation process the Tender Evaluation Panel will select a preferred tenderer and progress with award of a contract;

9. All unsuccessful tenderers are formally notified through Aconex and provided an opportunity for formal feedback on their submission.

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