Environmental Reporting

What is an Annual Environmental Review (AER)?

TasWater owns and operates 110 sewage treatment plants (STPs). 33 Level 1 STPs are regulated by local councils and 77 Level 2 STPs are regulated by the EPA. 

Annual performance and environmental management reporting in the form of an Annual Environmental Review (AER) is required under Permit and Environment Protection Notices (EPNs) for each Level 2 Sewage Treatment Plant. An AER allows TasWater to demonstrate they are monitoring the performance of the STPs, reviewing compliance, and exploring opportunities to improve environmental outcomes. 

TasWater has made these documents available to the public to ensure disclosure of STP performance and management information is clear and accurate. AERs are submitted annually to EPA Tasmania. 

Environmental Improvements 2023-24

During this reporting year we have continued to invest in sewerage infrastructure to improve environmental outcomes around the state as outlined in our Wastewater Risk Management Plan 2022-26 and Capital Works Program. Key projects progressed this year have included: 



Sewage Treatment Plants:

  • Design and approvals further progressed to facilitate rationalisation of Macquarie Point STP to an upgraded Selfs Point STP
  • Launceston Sewerage Improvement Project - Progression of planning for upgrades with a focus on the proposed Prospect Vale STP rationalisation to Ti-Tree Bend STP
  • Bicheno STP retrospective permit issued resolving regulatory permit discrepancy
  • Ulverstone STP clarifier upgrade project completed
  • Westbury STP interim improvements and lagoon rectification completed 
  • Legana and Bridport STP aeration upgrades which have improved treatment capabilities and reduced our odour impact
  • Desludging of Cressy, Smithton and Richmond STPs
  • New outfalls constructed and commissioned at Cygnet and Dover
  • Completion of digital Operational Procedures and Management Manuals to resolve long standing EPN non-compliances. 

Sewage Network Programs: 

TasWater has continued its focus this year to reduce sewage spills from our network and reduce inflow and infiltration. Over the past two years, TasWater has spent $1.6 million on the identification, reification and monitoring of inflow and infiltration (I&I) within our systems. During FY2025 we will be spending a further $1.7 million on I&I works.

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