Understanding my bill

Customers will receive a quarterly statement every three months. Statements will outline any new charges, payments received since your previous statement, current account balances and any overdue amounts.

For further details and explanations of all terms on your statement, simply scroll over and click the relevant sections on the bill below.


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Bill Front Holder
Bill TasWater Logo
Bill Addressee
Bill Addressee

Name and address

This shows the name and postal address of the account holder. Please note, the postal address might be different to the service address. If you've received a bill with someone else's name on it, please give us a call on 13 6992.

Bill Sumamry
Bill Sumamry

Billing period

The dates shown on this bill reflect the period in which you have been charged for your fixed and variable services.

Issued date

This is the date that we have applied new charges or credits to your account. If you do not see a date it means no adjustments were necessary (you may have pre-paid).

Bill Charges
Bill Charges

Tax Invoice summary

This section provides a summarised breakdown of the charges applied to your account:

  • Fixed or service service charges, as well as a variable water usage charge.
  • New Charges' is the new charge for the current billing period;
  • Previous bill refers to the total of your last bill.
  • Adjustments is the amount you have already paid toward your previous bill. It may also include adjustments such as interest charges. This figure can have a minus symbol in front of it to reflect a credit balance;
  • Total is the total account balance as of the date of issue on the statement. As an essential service, water and sewerage charges are not subject to GST.

A further breakdown of your service charges, meter details and account activity can also be found on the second page of your statement.

Current Average
Current Average

Your current average

This is an indication of your currently daily usage in kilolitres, and average daily cost. This is calculated by your total variable water usage divided by the number of days you have been billed for.

Estimated meter read
Estimated meter read

Estimated meter read

You will see here how your meter has been read. This can vary between being estimated, manually or automatically read, depending on the type of meter you have.

Final Account
Final Account

Final Account

When the account has been closed, due to the sale of a property, or a change in the title, we will notify you that this is the final bill for this account.

Bill Enquiries
Bill Ammount Due
Bill Ammount Due

Total due

The total amount is inclusive of all charges related to the account. This includes overdue amounts and interest applied to overdue accounts.

Due date

The due date is 35 days from when the bill is sent out.


Overdue amounts are payable immediately.

Bill Details
Bill Details

Connection Address

Your 'Connection Address' is the property the charges relate to.

Statement Number

Your 'Statement Number' is unique to each individual bill.

Bill Usage
Bill Usage

Your usage

This is a visual representation of your current and previous water usage for comparison. These figures are estimates only. Customers should always compare usage in kilolitres between their statements if they have any concerns. A kilolitre is equal to one thousand litres. An average household uses around 200 kilolitres each year.

Bill Payment Slip
Bill Payment Slip

Some people like to keep this lower section of the bill as a receipt, but please keep your bill intact until after you've made your payment.

Account no.

The account number is unique to each property owned by the customer. Example: If you own three properties, you will have three different account numbers attached to each of those properties.

QR Code

This section includes a QR code that can be scanned by your mobile device, it will take you to the TasWater website where you can sign up for e-billing.


Your BPAY reference number will be unique to your account, this can be used when making payments via internet banking.

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