Tax Invoice itemised
A full breakdown of charges and usage.
Fixed Water and Sewerage Charges
Customers are charged service charges (water and/or sewerage) if their property is located within a TasWater serviced land area whether the property is connected or unconnected to our infrastructure. This includes both vacant and built on land that is not connected to our infrastructure.
Fixed charges are the cost of providing services to a property, including the cost of maintaining and upgrading assets.
Variable Usage Charges
Variable water charges apply to each kilolitre of water supplied to a property, which is measured by the property's water meter. This means that your total variable water charge will change, depending on how much water you use. Your statement includes the number of kilolitres used, the rate in which it's charged as well as the previous and current read.
Concessions & remissions
If you have applied an eligible concession card on your account, you will see your quarterly rebate here. If you have a concession card, and are not receiving a rebate, please contact us on 136 992 or complete the online form Concessions & rebates | TasWater.