The TasWater Code of Conduct is our promise to one another. It provides clear direction and guidance, so that we can all feel safe, supported and confident as we carry out our roles.
Code Of Conduct
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Our purpose at TasWater is clear: provide exceptional water and sewerage service for a thriving Tasmania. Our Values and behaviours guide us as we go about our work.
Our Code of Conduct is an important document that articulates our standards and what is expected of us, in a single place. This should help us all to make the right choices in how we act, solve problems and make decisions as we go about delivering on our purpose.
Our Code of Conduct is about respect. Respect for our colleague our partners, our customers and our community. Respect for the environment of our beautiful state, and respect for the tools and equipment provided to us for our work.
It provides clear instruction about our behaviours, our relationships and our practices. It reflects Our Values, and helps us pursue a standard of excellence at work.
Our Code of Conduct applies to everyone at TasWater. Whether a team member, people leader, director or contractor, we must respect and uphold our standard of conduct.