Serviced land Serviced Land is land where TasWater allows a connection to its water and sewerage infrastructure. The identification of Serviced Land is important, as it determines our obligations to connect and supply customers. Serviced land also underpins policies and arrangements for service extension and expansion, service charges, service introduction, service replacement and developer charges. TasWater identifies Serviced Land according to individual titles that meet the criteria set out in our Water & Sewerage Network and Charges Policies. These criteria include proximity to our infrastructure, minimum flow and static pressure. Property titles are assessed for a single tenement connection. Where multiple tenements are needed, additional assessments are carried out for properties with a valid title reference. TasWater uses property title reference data from The LIST (Land Information System Tasmania), managed by the Tasmanian Government. Serviced land maps The LISTmap has several navigation tools you can use to search the map to find what you are looking for. For detailed instructions click here. LISTmap is an online map viewer managed by the Tasmanian Government. Click on the following links to use LISTmap to display the Serviced Land maps for water and sewerage services. Serviced Land Map for Water Serviced Land Map for Sewerage Water Areas coloured blue on the map show property titles classified as Full Service in Serviced Land, i.e. the property titles meet these criteria: Can be supplied with treated water Are within 30 metres of our water reticulation main Can receive the minimum flow and pressure at the connection point (refer to the TasWater Supplement to WSAA Water Supply Code of Australia for more details) Connection to our reticulation main would not cross land owned by a third party The physical characteristics or location of the property title do not require the application of unusual or unusually costly infrastructure, design, or installation techniques in order for the connection to be made Uncoloured areas, i.e. areas where the base map can be clearly seen, show property titles that do not meet the definition of Serviced Land. Sewerage Areas coloured pink on the sewerage map show property titles classified as Full Service in Serviced Land, i.e. property titles meet these criteria: Are within 30 metres of our sewer reticulation main and can be serviced by gravity connection Connection to our reticulation main would not cross land owned by a third party beyond distances set out in the TasWater Supplement to WSAA Gravity Sewerage Code of Australia (PDF 2MB) The physical characteristics or location of the property title do not require the application of unusual or unusually costly infrastructure, design, or installation techniques in order for the connection to be made Are not otherwise considered unserviced land in accordance with section 2.4 of the Water and Sewerage Network and Charges Policies document. Uncoloured areas, i.e. areas where the base map can be clearly seen, show land titles that do not meet the definition of Serviced Land. Disclaimer: The Serviced Land Area is subject to the asset data and knowledge available to TasWater at the time of publication. While all reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information portrayed in the Serviced Land Area maps, its purpose is to provide a general indication of the location of TasWater serviced land. The information provided may contain errors or omissions and the accuracy may not suit all users. TasWater provides no warranties or guarantees as to the suitability of the maps for any particular purpose. Connection, Disconnection and Relocation fees Find out about the fees not included in our standard customer charges, including regulated services, water connections, sewerage connections, and disconnections. Read more Equivalent Tenements Explained Learn about Equivalent Tenements (ETs) and how they are used to calculate sewerage charges based on property size, type, and potential water usage. Read more