Price and Service Plan

What is Price and Service Plan 4 (PSP4)?

TasWater’s Price and Service Plan 4 (PSP4) covers the period 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2026 (2022-2026).

This will see a 3.5 per cent price increase for the financial year beginning 1 July 2023.

PSP4 is our four-year commitment to improving the delivery of clean and safe drinking water while ensuring better environmental outcomes and customer service.

It is also part of our Long Term Strategic Plan, which outlines the customer outcomes we wish to deliver over a 10-year period.

PSP4 outlines:

  • The necessary infrastructure investment to achieve our objectives
  • The operating expenditure required to provide services
  • Our desired outcomes for customers
  • The need for a balance between prices and service standards
  • Our focus on long term financial sustainability.
  • PSP4 was prepared with significant community consultation and input from key regulators. The Tasmanian Economic Regulator determines the prices and service standards for regulated water and sewerage services in Tasmania.

Our full PSP4 document is available HERE.

Please note that PSP4 lists the maximum prices, refer to Water and Sewerage Charges for actual prices.

Visit our PSP4 questions and answers page for more information.

Where does my money go?

We maintain and operate:

  • 11,324 km of water and sewerage pipeline
  • 61 drinking water systems
  • 110 sewage treatment plants
  • 956 water and sewage pump stations
  • 292 water distribution storage facilities.

We supply:

  • 179 million litres of water per day to 214,611 connections through 6,487 km of water mains
  • That’s enough treated drinking water to fill more than 2,000 Olympic swimming pools every month.

We receive:

  • 142 million litres of sewage per day from 186,958 connections through 4,837 km of sewer mains
  • This includes 21 million litres of trade waste per day from 3,684 businesses around Tasmania.
Price and Service plan

Customer support program

TasWater has a range of programs to support our customers who may be experiencing financial hardship. We have a dedicated customer support program team (TasWater Assist) who can work with individual customers to create solutions that meet their needs, whether it is in the short or long-term. For more information click here.

Accounts and charges

Further information regarding charges and your account can be found here. In addition, PSP4 details the approach TasWater will take for a number of serviced related matters described in the policies below.


During PSP4, we will focus on reducing the possibility of customers receiving services below the agreed standards, and we will continue to minimise impacts to the environment and to our communities.

We will also:

  • Update how we measure customer service standards based on what matters most to our customers.
  • Improve how we charge for trade waste categories based on feedback from customers and key stakeholders
  • Reintroduce shared infrastructure charges to ensure we provide agreed service levels to existing customers and to new customers who want to connect to our systems, and
  • Limit price increases to 3.5 per cent per annum

There is a cost to protecting our health and environment

Providing essential water and sewerage services to the level our community expects is complex and expensive. It takes a lot of experienced people, expertise and equipment to keep water safe and dispose of sewage efficiently while protecting the environment.

As a major employer in Tasmania with a strong connection to the Tasmanian community, we know our bills have to be kept affordable.

We also operate in a unique environment and face a number of unique challenges. TasWater has significantly more assets per customer due to Tasmania’s dispersed population, geography and historical council boundaries.

While TasWater has made significant progress in improving water and sewerage services in Tasmania, it is only part way through the necessary reforms that many of its Australian counterparts started more than 20 years ago.

Even with these challenges, we have worked hard to keep costs down and saved more than $28 million since TasWater was formed on 1 July 2013. In the long term, our focus on productivity will allow us to keep bills as affordable as possible for our customers.

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