General Contractor Requirements

Information for Contractors and Suppliers

Working with TasWater
The following information is provided to ensure all contractors and suppliers are aware of their obligations and TasWater’s expectations of your performance – and what you can expect from us.
What we look for
TasWater works to the principle of best value for money. This is at the core of all our business relationships with our contractors and suppliers. Best value for money does not automatically mean the lowest price.
We balance all relevant factors including initial cost, whole-of-life costs (performance maintenance and disposal), quality, reliability and timeliness in determining true value for money
What we ask of you
We require all contractors observe the following principles when doing business with TasWater
  • Comply with our systems for engaging suppliers procurement policies and procedures
  • Provide accurate and detailed information when required
  • Declare conflicts of interest as soon as you become aware of them
  • Be aware and supportive of TasWater’s approach to Probity in all its dealings both internally and externally
  • Act ethically fairly and honestly in all dealings with us
  • Take all reasonable measures to prevent disclosure of confidential TasWater information
  • That you comply with our standard Terms and Conditions

Our safety health and environment policies
In line with our commitment to act as a model corporate citizen we continue to maintain a strong focus on safety health and environmental issues across the business – including our suppliers. When the corporation was formed we adopted policy documents to guide all our activities in these areas.

Contractors to TasWater are required to meet the corporation’s safety health and environmental standards.
View our:

Why should suppliers follow this guidance?
The advice we provide ensures all parties will be able to advance their business objectives and interests in a fair and ethical manner. All suppliers of goods and services to TasWater are required to comply.

Suppliers should also be aware of the consequences of not complying with TasWater’s requirements when doing business with us. Demonstrated corrupt or unethical conduct could lead to:

  • Termination of a contract or contracts
  • Removal from TasWater’s approved supplier database
  • Damage to reputation
  • Potential long term loss of future work due to damage to reputation
  • Formal investigation for corruption and other offences.

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