Application for Development Services Form

1. Property details
TasWater reference no. (DA, BA, PA) if applicable
Council reference Number is your council application number, they can be made up of numbers and letters for example PDPLANPMTD-2020/016697, DA0194/2019. These number will be on documents received from your relevant council.
Volume number (example 142835) - a Volume number and a Folio number (e.g. Volume 11195, Folio 1) - This information can be found via Tasmanian’s land information system Tasmania - the LIST
Property ID (PID) number (example 7845196) This information can be found via Tasmanian’s land information system Tasmania - the LIST
Full property address
What development is occurring? Examples: New Dwelling, Multiple Dwellings x2, Subdivision x 4 lots, Partial Demolition, New Garage
Provide any additional information relevant to your development
2. Invoicing details

To guarantee that the correct responsible party is invoiced ensure that this section is completed fully.

If this section is not completed the applicant will be invoiced. If the property owner or third party is to be invoiced, then they must consent to the charges.

Invoicing details

If you, the applicant, are not liable for payment of any fees and charges associated with this application please demonstrate that another party (i.e. the landowner and/or a third party) has agreed to this application being made and incurring any applicable fees and charges. Please attach/upload written evidence from the other party. Typically, this could be in the form of an engagement letter or the Development Services Authorisation Representative form signed by the other party authorising you to act for them and to incur any fees and charges on their behalf.

3. Application details
Please only include numbers and spaces, no letters allowed
Is ABN/ACN invalid?
Applicant name - full name e.g Jane Smith
Phone Number e.g. 0400 000 000 0r 03 6234 0000
4. Owner or third party details
Please only include numbers and spaces, no letters allowed
Is ABN/ACN invalid?
5. Certificate Application Type

Fees apply - Prices vary depending on Classification Thresholds – Minor, Medium, Major, Significant and Complex – Refer to Price & Service Plan (PSP)

Application Type

Select Option

Water and or sewerage service enquiry - preliminary advice regarding a proposed development or pre purchase advice on a property or parcel of land
Water and or sewerage service enquiry - preliminary advice regarding a proposed development or pre purchase advice on a property or parcel of land.
Certificate for Certifiable Work (CCW) (building) and/or (plumbing) - Documents 1, 2 and 3 required
Documents required for a Certificate for Certifiable Work (CCW) Non stamped version of plans, current version of Certificate of Titles, Approved Council Permit and Endorsed plan
56W Consent (for any works located within a TasWater easement or within 2m of TasWater infrastructure) - Documents 1, 2 and 3 required
Documents required for a 56W Consent (56W) Non stamped version of plans, current version of Certificate of Titles, Approved Council Permit and Endorsed plan
Engineering design approval (EDA) - Documents 1, 2 and 3 required
Documents required for a Engineering design approval (EDA) Non stamped version of plans, current version of Certificate of Titles, Approved Council Permit and Endorsed plan
Permit to construct TasWater infrastructure - Requires EDA approval
No documents required
Certificate of water and sewerage compliance (building) and/or (plumbing) - CCW conditions completion required. TasWater will also send a copy to the Permit Authority.
Applications for Certificate of Compliance no documents are required. Please tick the box then go to Step 10
Application for Customer Connections/Disconnections (including meter installs)
Request for Customer Connections/Disconnections (including meter installs)
Application for Loose Supply Items
Request for Loose Supply Items e.g. loose supply 20mm meters
Application for Shutdown
Request for Shutdown

Documents required

Document(s) 1 – Design plans and documents detailing the proposed development works, including existing and proposed TasWater assets and all connection points – Mandatory

Document(s) 2 - Copy of Certificate of Title (CT) - including folio plan, text and schedule of easements – Mandatory, if not previously supplied and no changes have occured

Document(s) 3 - Planning permit (where omitted evidence may be requested)

Completed Trade waste application form (if applicable)

6. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED / CHECKLIST – See also Guidelines for Certificate for Certifiable work assessment.
Do not remove this text editor. This editor will make appear this panel. If the panel is empty, that will not showing in front end design.
Documents 1
Required for a Certificate for Certifiable Work (CCW) and Engineering Design Approval (EDA)
Documents 2
Required for a Certificate for Certifiable Work (CCW) and Engineering Design Approval (EDA)
Documents 3
Required for a Certificate for Certifiable Work (CCW) and Engineering Design Approval (EDA)
Documents 4
Documents 5
Documents Navigations
7. Customer Connections & Disconnections - For timeframes please refer to the Customer Charter

For Customer Connection applications, please upload a copy of TasWater endorsed plans.

Site contact Full Name e.g. Jane Smith
Site contact phone number e.g 03 6234 0000 or 0400 000 000
Site contact email e.g [email protected]

Upload a copy of TasWater Endorsed Plans

TasWater Endorsed Plans


Water connection
Water meter supply and installation only on existing water connection meter size

Water disconnection

Water disconnection


Sewer connection

Sewer disconnection

Sewer disconnection

Refer to this page for fees based on size

8. Loose Supply Items Only
20mm Water meter, nuts and tails
25mm Water meter, nuts and tails

Additional Loose Supply Items (e.g. trafficable boxes, boundary boxes, lock and pin)

Description of Loose Supply Item e.g Trafficable meter box, meter boundary box
Description of Loose Supply Item e.g Trafficable meter box, meter boundary box
Description of Loose Supply Item e.g Trafficable meter box, meter boundary box
9. Shutdown Request

Infrastructure Shutdown

Infrastructure Shutdown
10. Authorisation

Privacy Policy can be found here.

Mandatory field(s) marked with *

What needs to be filled out?

It is very important that all sections of the application form is filled out. This will greatly assist the assessment and approval process that follows. Some information may not be known (i.e. 
property identification, however, please ensure all other information is correct and provided. The second page is more specific to what the application is for and a checklist of documents 
required to be submitted to support the application. It is important to remember that for each stage of your development a separate application will need to be completed.

Who will be invoiced? 

Please complete invoicing details on page one (section two) of the development application form to ensure that the correct responsible party is invoiced. If this section is not completed the 
applicant will be set as the default. If the property owner is to be invoiced then they need to complete and sign the property owner section.

How do I know this has been submitted?

You will receive an automatic reply from our email thanking you for your application.

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