Water Wise

Think about the water we waste.

Tasmania’s natural resources are the envy of the world and we want to conserve our true top drop – water – for generations to come. Whether you’re swimming at the Cataract Gorge, admiring the bioluminescence on our shorelines, or taking a selfie in front of the Little Blue Lake – water is an intrinsic part of the Tasmanian way of life.

Our world-renowned whiskies, wine and produce all have one thing in common – our water. That is why it is so vital to take a moment to consider your water usage this summer so we can continue to enjoy these things for generations to come.

Read our expert water saving tips below.

Save water in your home.

Tasmanian households are great at conserving water, but we can always do better. Read on for some simple changes you can make in the different areas of your house to help ensure we all have access to water when we need it. 


Washing Produce

Wash your vegetables in a container and not under running water. When you’re done, use that water to give your houseplants a drink.

This can save 10L of water a minute!

Fill up the Dishwasher

Always run your dishwasher full.

A fully loaded dishwasher is more water-efficient than washing all the items by hand.

Scrape Plates

Did you know around 30% of blockages in our wastewater system are caused by fats, oils and grease solidifying in pipes?

Removing grease and food scraps from your pots, pans and dishes before you wash them saves your drains and uses much less water.


Quick Showers

Keep showers short. Try for a target of four minutes.

Grab a shower timer to keep track. Or pick your favourite song!

Half Flush

When you can, choose the half flush when you use the toilet.

WELS 4 star toilets use 3 litres for half flush and 4.5 litres for full flush.

Brushing your teeth with a Cup

Leaving the tap running when brushing your teeth wastes up to 10L per minute.

Why not try brushing your teeth using a cup of water? Or whilst you're in the shower? 


Fewer Loads

Save 50L of water when you reduce your washing by one load a week.

Washing machines account for 16 per cent of all water used inside the average home. Reducing your washing by just one load a week could save almost 2,600L each year!

Front vs Top Loader

Front loading washing machines use 35% less water than
top loaders of the same size and star rating.

Also see if the new model has a water saving mode, which will save you even more.

Fixing Leaks

Dripping taps

One drip per second wastes 12,000 litres per year!

Continuously turning a tap off too tightly can cause the washer to deteriorate. Replacing a tap washer is quite simple.

Toilet Leaks

A rubber valve in the cistern deteriorating is often the reason for a leaking toilet. You can contact a licensed plumber to fix this for you.

Leaking Pipes

The best way to check for leaks is by reading your water meter overnight. Turn all taps and any appliances that use water off.

If the dials on your meter move, yet you have not used any water, you may have a leak and should contact your plumber as soon as possible to investigate.


Use a broom

Hosing paving is a thing of the past, it’s a waste of valuable water.

It’s better to use a broom or blower to clean outside your home instead.

Check your irrigation

Are you watering more than your garden? Ensure you are not watering too long or putting water where it isn’t needed, such as onto paths and buildings. 

Mulch Your Garden

Mulch your garden to keep the moisture in. Good quality mulch reduces evaporation by keeping the moisture around plant roots.

Protect your garden by applying 5-10 cm of a hard, chunky mulch and help achieve water savings of up to 20 per cent. It is also a great way to stop the weeds! 


Our Water Conservation Campaigns

Managing Tasmania’s most precious resource is a role we take very seriously, because water is an essential part of life. That's why we're sharing our water conservation messaging across Tasmania in Summer 2023. 


Water Restrictions

March 2024 Update

An unusually hot, dry summer is starting to impact water supply levels in some parts of Tasmania and the Bureau of Meteorology is forecasting for this to continue over the coming months. We appreciate how well Tasmanians respond to the need to be water wise. It is vital for us all to work together to make sure water will continue to be there when we need it most. By adopting simple yet impactful measures such as those below, we can safeguard our water supply for both present and future generations. 

Water Restrictions Page 

Why Save Water?

Have you recently thought about the water you use everyday? Find out why is more important than ever before and learn more about your water use and how to be water efficient.


10 Mindful Water Habits

Being water efficient is very important for the environment. We love these easy ten mindful habits to pick up to save more water. Watch the video now. 


Free Downloads

Here are some handy free resources you can download and print to help you remember the best water saving tips:

Fact sheet: Around the Home (PDF 213.1KB)

Fact sheet: Laundry (PDF 218.8KB)

Fact sheet: Early Leak Detection (PDF 199.3KB)

Fact sheet: Mulch Your Garden (PDF 520.2KB)

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