Sewer flushing information

Information for customers

What is Sewer flushing?

Sewer cleaning removes unwanted materials, such as non-biodegradable debris or grease and sludge build-up, from a pipe. Most sewer cleanings occur as part of a routine maintenance program.

Will it affect your service?

Your water service should not be interrupted during the cleaning process, but you should be aware of some potential issues.

Preparing for the inspection

  • To help us minimise disruption to your service, please clear around any TasWater maintenance holes on your property to provide easy access for our personnel by relocating plants or other items that may be obstructing this equipment.
  • Please keep dogs or other pets that may become agitated in a safe, confined area.
  • Please keep all toilet lids closed with something heavy placed on top of lid when not in use during this period (even if you are not at home) as a precaution against spills caused by pressure variations when cleaning is in progress.

In very rare cases, due to the layout of sewerage infrastructure or unknown blockages, sewer cleaning may result in a spillage.These works are taking place so we can ensure your sewage pipes are clear of any blockages and are working as efficiently as possible.If you have any special requirements please contact us. We thank you for your patience during these works.

When will Sewer flushing take place?

Check out the main Planned Network Cleaning and Maintenance page for scheduled times, dates and locations.


Further Information

Learn more about planned maintenance and cleaning by clicking on one of the links below. 

Planned Network Cleaning and Maintenance

Cleaning and Maintenance includes water and/or sewer flushing, and how we're working to keep stormwater out of our sewers.

Water flushing information

Flushing is when water is released from a fire hydrant or access point at a high flow rate and is used to clean our water mains.

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