TasWater Assist

We understand that changing circumstances can make it difficult for you to pay your water and sewerage bill. TasWater Assist is how our friendly, dedicated team can help. Our team will work with you to create a customised solution that meets your individual needs, whether you need help in the short or long-term.

Our promise to you

You will be treated with respect and your circumstances will be kept confidential. Once you’re in the program we will provide you with a dedicated case manager who will work closely with you to understand your circumstances and tailor a payment plan that suits your needs.

How does it work?

We know that circumstances change. Your dedicated case manager will work with you to develop a flexible, tailored plan that suits your changing needs. The plan can be reviewed and adjusted over time as required, and will also consider your ongoing water usage and charges, as well as any outstanding debt.

While you're part of the program, all overdue fees, interest and debt collection activity will also stop, taking away the worry of debt collection or other legal action while you get back on track.

How to apply

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