Bryn Estyn Water Treatment Plant Upgrade

What's this project all about?

The Bryn Estyn Water Treatment Plant (WTP) is Greater Hobart’s primary source of drinking water, providing around 60 per cent of the water supplied to customers in the Hobart, Glenorchy, Clarence, Brighton, Derwent Valley, Kingborough, Sorell and the Southern Midlands municipalities.

Located at Plenty in the Derwent Valley, the Bryn Estyn WTP was originally constructed in 1962, with capacity augmentations completed in 1972 and 1992. Over the last two years, TasWater has completed upgrades and expansions of the plant to ensure it can continue to provide high-quality drinking water and meet projected demand in Greater Hobart for years to come.

With a budget of $243.9 million, the upgrade at Bryn Estyn is the largest capital works project in TasWater’s history.

Project facts


  • Delivered on time and under budget,
  • More than 11,400 cubic metres of concrete poured, 2,800 tonnes of reinforcing steel placed, and 93,000 cubic metres of soil excavated,
  • Approximately 25 kilometres of pipework installed,
  • Employed around 1500 people directly, and 500 indirectly,
  • At is peak (December 2022), around 150 people working on site,
  • Around 81 per cent of contracted work awarded to Tasmanian companies.

The upgrade

  • Delivers 160 million litres of high-quality drinking water per day,
  • Increases daily water production by 40 per cent,
  • Future-proofs drinking water reliability, quality and long-term availability for the next 50 years,
  • Lowers risk of water restrictions in Greater Hobart,
  • Has in-built capacity to expand water supply to meet future demand,
  • Maintains water treatment best-practice.

Bryn Estyn supplies water to seven local government areas including; 

  • Hobart
  • Glenorchy
  • Kingborough
  • Brighton
  • Derwent Valley
  • Southern Midlands
  • Sorell

Click here to view a map of our largest water network.

Project timeline

Early works and site set-up commenced in early 2020.

The upgrade was completed in September 2023.

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If you would like to connect with one of our Community & Stakeholder Engagement team members about a project happening near you, please email [email protected] or call 13 6992.


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