Prepaid Electronic Key
TasWater uses a third party provider, AVDATA Australia, for its electronic water filling stations. TasWater will issue customers with a prepaid electronic key.
A prepaid electronic key allows users to access water up to the value of their prepaid credit limit. As you use water, credits are automatically deducted from your account. Users are able to periodically top up their prepaid electronic key. Full instructions on using the prepaid electronic key and accessing water are explained in our Questions and answers.
The prepaid electronic key will cost $57.38 with:
• $20.00 assigned as initial water credit on the electronic key to your primary location (FY 2024/2025)
• $37.38 as the deposit for the electronic key (FY 2024/2025).
On the return of the electronic key, TasWater will return your deposit and any credit left on the electronic key. If the electronic key is damaged, you will not be able to access the deposit, but will be issued the credit left on the electronic key.
You can have more than one location assigned to the prepaid electronic key. If your prepaid electronic key is accessing more than one location, you will have to maintain a separate prepaid credit balance at each location that you wish to use. The AVDATA portal will provide credit balances for each location. Please be aware that not all water filling stations are available for general public use, some water filling stations are only available for use by registered water carters.
You will need to arrange credit for the prepaid electronic key, including the filling station to which you want the credit assigned to. To access the water filling station and placing credit on the prepaid electronic key, at each location, go to the AVDATA portal at:
There are no processing charges if prepaid credit is purchased via the AVDATA portal. If paying by phone, a processing charge is applied to each prepaid credit top-up by
AVDATA Australia. This fee is managed by AVDATA Australia and will be deducted from the prepaid
credit amount applied to your Electronic Key.
Water charges for filling stations are regulated and are set at $1.8786 per Kilolitre (FY 2024/2025).
The Prepaid Electronic Key Application Form for the general public is available here: Prepaid Electronic Key Application Form. Once you have completed the application form, and agreed to the terms and conditions of use, you can email the form to TasWater at [email protected]. If you do not have access to email, you can post the completed form to: TasWater GPO Box 1393 Hobart TAS 7001.
At the Water Filling Station
To use TasWater's water filling station you will need a female cam lock fitting and hose, unless a hydrant connection is available. All filling station locations and the fitting sizes required are listed here: Public water filling stations locations and connection sizes.
As a point of safety, when filling from a public water filling station, it is recommended that you connect your hose fitting directly at the Cam Lock connection with the cam lock connection on your water container or tank. Generally, a 1,000 litre container will have a 50mm cam lock connection at the bottom of the container. When filling up from the container’s cam lock, open the cap on the top of the container.