Information for registered water carters

Water carters (or water carrier) will need to register with their local council if they intend to cart water in bulk for resale to residents or businesses. A water carter is defined as a person who supplies drinking water in bulk, other than pre-packaged drinking water or pre-packaged ice, via transportation in a water tank, whether or not for fee or reward.

There are specific requirements and conditions for accessing water from TasWater's reticulation system. Water carriers must also comply with all relevant guidelines, legislation and conditions of registration. 

As it is illegal to access TasWater's network through hydrant points or fire services, for water other than for firefighting purposes, TasWater provides Water Filling Stations for water carters to access across Tasmania.

For water carters, verification of vehicles used for delivery of domestic drinking water will appear on the Council Registration Certificate, which confirms that vehicle/s have been inspected and certified with the relevant Council Environmental Health Officer.
Water carters must meet the Tasmanian Water Quality Guidelines 2015 as issued by the Director of Public Health under the Public Health Act 1997.  TasWater requires water carters to maintain a current public liability insurance policy, which cover extends to the supply of water, taking of water and all other activities for any single event, or series of claims arising from a single event.

Water Carters must provide the following information to TasWater, to be eligible for an Electronic Key to access water filling stations:

  • A completed application form for an Account Electronic Key, as provided by TasWater
  • Your current water carter registration, as provided by your Council’s Environmental Health Officer, which confirms that you have been certified as a water carter
  • A copy of your current public liability insurance policy

The application form for water carters is available on this link: Account Electronic Key Application Form.


Once you have completed the application form and agreed to the terms and conditions of use, you can email the form, along with the required documentation as advised above, to TasWater at [email protected].

If you do not have access to email, you can post the completed form, along with the required documentation, to TasWater GPO Box 1393 Hobart TAS 7001.

At the Water Filling Station

To use TasWater's water filling station you will need a female cam lock fitting and hose, unless a hydrant connection is available. All filling station locations and the fitting sizes required are listed here: Public water filling stations locations and connection sizes.

As a point of safety, when filling from a public water filling station, it is recommended that you connect your hose fitting directly at the Cam Lock connection with the cam lock connection on your water container or tank.

All customers must use TasWater’s Water Filling Stations in a responsible and safe manner. Instructions on how to use the Water Filling Station, which are on your application form and at the Water Filling Site, must always be adhered to and care should be taken when connecting and disconnecting the hose from your container/ tanker and the Water Filling Station. 

Do not climb on your vehicle, trailer, tank or truck.

Any person or user found or identified as misusing TasWater’s Public Water Filling Stations, or its components, may be disallowed future use and be required to pay for any repairs, or damage or costs attributed or resulting from the misuse or abuse. 

Swansea Public Water Filling Station AUG20 IMG_0614

Your Account Electronic Key

The account electronic key option is available to Registered Water Carters if requested. Registered water carters are able to use their electronic key at electronic filling stations across Tasmania. AVDATA Australia will send monthly invoices, which shows where you have obtained water, how much water has been obtained and all charges associated with the supply.

You will be required to make a one off $57.38 deposit on the account electronic key (FY 2024/2025). On the return of the electronic key, TasWater will return your deposit if the electronic key is not damaged.

Invoices are issued monthly for usage during the previous month. Some usage may fall outside the period if there has been a delay in obtaining data. Accounts must be paid in full within 21 days of billing and if not paid by that date, will become overdue for payment.

Water charges for filling stations are regulated and are set at $1.8786 per Kilolitre (FY 2024/2025).

The Account Electronic Key Application Form for water carters are available here: Account Electronic Key Application Form

If you would prefer a prepaid option, the Prepaid Electronic Key Application Form is available here: Prepaid Electronic Key Application Form.

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